
Future Worlds – To-ing – and – Fro-ing
A chapter in Atlas: Geography, Architecture and Change in an Interdependent World (2012)

Architecture of the Anthropocene: the Crisis of Agency
An article in Scroope: The Cambridge Architecture Journal (2014)

Provisional Cities: Cautionary Tales for the Anthropocene
Critical storytelling about living with uncertainty: a book on the Anthropocene (2017)

Culture and climate change scenarios: the role and potential of the arts and humanities in responding to the '1.5 degrees target'
An article in Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability journal co-authored with Joe Smith (2018)

Culture and Climate Change: Recordings
The first publication from the Culture and Climate Change series (2011)

Culture and Climate Change: Narratives
The second publication from the Culture and Climate Change series (2014)

Culture and Climate Change: Scenarios
The third publication from the Culture and Climate Change series (2019)

Culture and Climate Change: Experiments and Improvisations
A chapter co-authored with Joe Smith in Climate and Culture Multidisciplinary Perspectives on a Warming World (2019)

Collective scenarios: speculative improvisations for the Anthropocene
An article in Futures journal (2021)

Times of Urgencies: scenarios as speculative improvisations for the Anthropocene
A chapter in Working with Time in Qualitative Research book (2022)